EIS (Greek) ‘a moving motion into’ … ONE (John 17)  ‘to know God’.

Growing and developing a relationship with God. To know Him who loves you most!

John 17:11b “… that they may be ONE as we are ONE”

My recent journal entries


It's Your Way or No Way - A message to Christians

21st Mar 2024

A few months ago I found myself praying: ‘It’s Your Way or No Way’ My thoughts took me to ...

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'What am I not seeing?' - Part 2

1st Jun 2022

To Alice Bailey (1880-1949) pioneer of the New Age movement and a revered figure in the United Nations was ...

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'What am I not seeing?' - Part 1

25th Feb 2022

God speaks to me in different ways, can be through something that I see (mostly on one of my walks) which ...

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The Uncertainty of the Unknown

30th Sep 2021

How did Abram feel when God asked him to leave his country, his people and his father's household and go to ...

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This week's verse

"...select from among you seven men ...full of the Spirit and wisdom. We will appoint this responsibility to them and devote ourselves to prayer and the ministry of the word."

Acts 6:3-4

"In the same way the Spirit also helps our weakness; for we do not know how to pray as we should, but the Spirit Himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words."

Romans 8:26


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