Psalms of Ascent
Jan 27 in Steps of Ascent
Steps to the Throne
Psalms 120 to 134 in the Bible constitute what is called the Psalms of Ascent or Degrees. They were sung by the exiles as they returned from their time in captivity in Babylon (by the decree of Cyrus II of Persia in 538BC) and which were sung during the Jewish annual pilgrimages to Jerusalem by those making their way to the three religious festivals of Passover (feast of unleavened bread), feast of First fruits (feast of weeks/Shavuot) and the feast of Tabernacles (feast of ingathering/Sukkot); it is believed that it was during this feast that these Psalms were sung by the Levites as they ascended the 15 circular court steps to the Temple.
The Psalms were sung as a form of encouragement and strengthening on what sometimes became a very long and strenuous journey. A time to prepare their hearts as they returned to the centre of worship, tugging at the heartstrings of God. Remembering … coming home.
Reminds me of our own spiritual journey as represented in John Bunyan’s book ‘Pilgrims Progress’ which depicts the hardship and battles of ‘Christian’ on his journey to the Celestial City. The Psalms are honest in their expression of man’s struggles, a reflection of the cry of his heart and varied emotions, true to real life where hearts are laid bare before God, a vulnerability which exchanges man’s failures and weaknesses for God’s sovereignty and strength which is found in the hidden depths of His character and demonstrated in the extent of His relentless and enduring love.