Breaking the Silence
Sep 26 in Come Aside
The last month has been a month of silence, I felt I needed to quieten my soul to listen. The last 18 mths. have been a little like being placed in a pressure cooker where pressures seemed to intensify by the day. It is so easy at times like these to fall into the mechanics of ‘doing’ and find an intellectual solution to our problems when God is in fact calling us to step aside a while and listen (as can be a time of growth, redirection or to point out something that needs dealing with).
It is too easy when God doesn’t seem to be doing anything to create an Ishmael solution rather than wait for His Isaac, the unfolding of His promises (His way!). Too easy to fall for the pressures that we place daily on ourselves rather than obey His voice that says ‘come aside’.
In Genesis we read that God walked with Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, sin brought a separation and severed that relationship, it is here we hear Him call ‘Where are You?’ Gen.3
It coincides with an article I wrote during this time last year, it is good sometimes to go back and look at what God has said to us, far too easy to receive that ‘rhema’ Word from Him and rush past wanting the ‘next’ word rather than fully digesting what He is trying to impress upon our souls, we need to be like those animals that ruminate, eat the grass (food=His Word) and then regurgitate it (readdress it) and chew on it until it is broken down and every goodness extracted and applied.
“But prove yourselves doers of the word, and not merely hearers who delude themselves.” James 1:22
Let’s Ruminate 😉