Proverbs 11
May 27 in Proverbs
Ch.11 is full of comparisons between right and wrong. When you choose what is right (righteousness) it brings with it blessing, protection and deliverance from trouble (a way out of trouble). It becomes your heritage. It takes strength of character to do what is right (most are weak and follow the crowd) and brings with it humility, integrity (honesty, virtue, nothing crooked, corrupt or devious), knowledge, faithfulness (can be fully trusted), merciful (not judgmental, harsh or critical but gentle, forgiving, truthful and comforting), kindness, courtesy, politeness a generous heart.
Wickedness is loud, it is the voice of folly, boisterous and demanding. Crooked. Making sin attractive but it destroys, it deceives and twists the truth, it cannot be trusted, it cheats and is dishonest. It is proud, hypocritical, has no fear of God (no boundaries) has no wisdom. Is ruthless, cruel, is a liar and looks for trouble.
What/Who do you want to be? Repentance means seeing something new and turning in a new direction… that’s all it takes! Turn to the One who Is the right way, who holds all truth and brings life to your step today!