Proverbs 21
Jun 10 in Proverbs
What kind of person do I want to be? God can raise up and can put down. The Lord looks on the inside, the motives behind our actions…he sees deeper, in Him is absolute safety. He knows, He weighs, He delivers. He shows us the right way and warns us about the wrong way but in the end it is our responsibility for our choices affect our life and destiny. We cannot retrace our steps but we can make new choices. He is a God of love, power and wisdom. We can be religious and yet not know God.
Look to bring a smile to God’s heart and not man. Let your words and actions come from a pure heart. Ask God for His wisdom in the steps and decisions you make. Be honest, have principles, be fair and just. Don’t be mean but share from a place of love not duty, and know that His way is safe. Use your mouth to say right things, to encourage, build up, bring life. His way is not always easy but it is a way you will never live to regret. Put your hand in His today and ask Him to lead the way…you will never walk alone again 😉