A detour from Proverbs
Jun 03 in Proverbs
(Taking a detour from Proverbs today: found the following:Reading from UCB)
‘The most important skills you can teach:
1. The consequences you get are the result of the choices you make. It’s not your circumstances but the decisions you make IN those circumstances that govern your life.
2. You will always have options…circumstances DONT dictate your lives … so ask
3. What are my options in this situation?(but do it with the right attitude) write down every option that’s offered.
4. What benefits come from each option? Which are the most important?
5. What negative consequences come from each option? Am I willing to accept these? How would they change my life?
6. What personal values are involved in this decision? Being truthful, trustworthy, loyal, responsible, thoughtful, friendship, self-denial, courage, faith ….
7. How will I feel afterwards? Self-respect v. Shame. Positive self-worth vs. Negative self-worth. Giving into selfish choices is like abandoning the moral code of our being
8. How will the people I value feel about me after this decision? Trust and respect of others always needed to succeed. ‘Choose a good reputation over riches’ when you get a bad reputation it is hard to recover from it.
9. Is this the best time to make this decision? There is a time to be silent and a time to speak. Stress, peer pressure, mood swings and emotions can drive us into making hasty and poor decisions. Can the decision be made later? If I were advising a friend would I suggest they take the same option?