A time of Preparation
Feb 10 in Lent
Lent, a time of preparation, preparing those who will go forth as an Elijah company of people in the power of the Holy Spirit , to turn the hearts of the fathers back to the children, the disobedient to the attitude of the righteous … making ready a people prepared for the Lord.
“Then I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, “Whom shall I send, and who will go for Us?” Then I said, “Here am I. Send me!”
This year there is a call to the nation to join in TheFastUK 40 day of fasting which has captivated the heart of many young people (and old 🙂 who God is preparing for such a time as this. Those who will step out and bring His peace where there is fear, His truth where there’s deception, His life where there is death; His comfort where there is grief, His light where there is darkness, His hope in place of hopelessness and despair. His joy where there is sorrow, His love where there is hatred, His fullness where there is emptiness, His healing where there is sickness and infirmity and freedom from behaviours /addictions that only come to steal, kill and destroy.
Springs of water pouring forth into a wilderness, changing the atmosphere, the landscape; from a dry, hard and barren land into a fertile and arable ground, one that will produce a great harvest! Restoring, renewing, redeeming, reviving! Because that is what my God does!
He died to bring new life, a second chance, resurrection life! He brings waters that do not fail (do not deceive!).
Prayer aligned with fasting puts a ‘cutting edge’ to the intercessory prayer life and produces a spiritual and physical discipline.
And so we begin, starting on Wednesday 10th February until Thursday 24th March. I have such a feeling of expectation over what we will discover particularly as my word for this year are in fact two words ‘Resurrection Faith’ and I am believing Him for the impossible, for He is the same yesterday, today and forever!!!