Advent – Day 10
Dec 10 in Advent
It is no good looking for someone else to boost up your confidence, you cannot depend on the opinions of others. You need to know who you are, placing your confidence in who God says you are, if not you will be too easily shaken. There is no stability in other people’s opinions of you, for you will be emotionally tossed to and fro as you try to please others, carried by every wave and wind, with no anchor and no security. God has placed a wealth within each one that just needs to be unearthed, cut and polished, to become a reflection of His glory as His light shines upon us, just like a diamond. When you are rooted and grounded in who He says you are, nothing can come to uproot you for your trust is in the rock that will not be moved.
Fill yourself with God’s love for you, find who you are in God and who you were created to be, your gifts, your abilities, your calling, let Him show you how He sees you, He not only looks at the outside but sees your inner strength and beauty; only then can you stand in the confidence of God’s love for you. For He loves you with an everlasting love, and chose you before the foundation of the earth. His love has no boundaries, no if’s… in Him you are complete! You don’t need the assurance of others for in Him you will have all you ever needed. Put your stability in who He says you are. You are significant!
I found this picture on the internet of a cat and a dog looking into the mirror, attached to the picture it says: ‘as a man thinks in his heart so he is’ I love it!