Advent – Day 13
Dec 13 in Advent
It would be nice to take some time today to think of others, what Christmas is really about is Christ … we spoke of walking the walk, demonstrating Christ, who He is. He spent Himself on others, it was never about Him. What could you do today for someone else?
It doesn’t need to be a huge thing, it can be one single act that takes no more than a minute that will and can affect a person’s life and set in motion a course of events that CAN change lives.
Be kind ‘it’s better to be kind than to be right’. Be generous, I was sat next to a young girl on the plane who told me this story; she had parked her car at the car park and whilst in the queue to buy her parking ticket found that she had no change. Suddenly the person stood in front of her, turned around and seeing her dilemma just took a pound out of his pocket and gave it to her. She was shocked! Couldn’t believe that a total stranger would do that. She was so grateful! A few weeks later she was back at another car park where the same thing happened, only this time it was the lady in front of her that had no change. ‘I didn’t think twice’ she said, ‘I just immediately took a pound out of my purse and gave it to her’. Had that man not helped her first, she wouldn’t even have thought about helping that lady out. A kind gesture that set in motion a sequence of events. One little blessing can turn into a fountain of blessing.
Thank someone. We can so easily take people for granted who are always there for us. A few years ago, I was going through a season of just feeling very ‘taken for granted of’ and very ‘sorry for myself’; it was then that I wondered about the times that I had taken others for granted in my life and not thanked them for their help or for being there for me or for just always loving me. I took a day to write some thank you cards to a few special people in my life and whom I’d never thanked.
Smile at a stranger, it might brighten up someone’s day. Give a hug, there was a lady I used to visit once a week, my hug she would say was the only hug she received all week. There are so many, particularly the elderly who are alone and feel very lonely during this time. There may be those who have lost a loved one and who will really feel their loss during the Christmas period.
Ask the Lord today, how you can help bless someone else today. Bake a cake for a neighbour or invite someone round for tea, turn up on their doorstep with a cup of tea. Offer to help someone with some diy. Use your skills, do something you enjoy. It doesn’t have to be a heavy burden. Its all about shining His LIGHT and the amazing thing is that as you do, you find that what you receive far outweighs any of the giving and who knows you may even learn something new.
‘I believe you need to have something more than smoke to touch people. You must be a burning light for that. His ministers must be flames of fire’ Wigglesworth