Advent – Day 7
Dec 07 in Advent
There are so many Christians nowadays that speak with confidence and conviction as God’s mouthpiece yet are talking from their own wisdom, not knowing God’s heart on that issue or any other for that matter. Paul warned about the two different types of wisdom, one which is head knowledge versus one gained by experience. You can talk the talk but unless you walk the walk all talk is futile. Many in the Church talk yet have never taken time to find out what the Bible actually says, they are speaking from their own reasoning, thoughts, wisdom rather than through a personal relationship lived and experienced with God. As you develop that relationship with Him, you learn that praying is pouring your heart out to a Father that cares. Reading the Bible is His Word of Wisdom, instructions, map, to the perplexities and mysteries surrounding human beings; you learn of His character, His ways, His wisdom. You learn that there are laws that govern the world we live in and principles at work in its foundation. You learn that He doesn’t always do things the way we would expect but that He is always dependable, faithful, patient and to be fully trusted and as we learn from the lives of the people in the Bible we see that His ways are unconventional but always far greater than anything we could have ever thought of or drummed up.
Ask the Lord to give you a book in the Bible which you can begin to read, the stories of Ruth and Esther are lovely, or the story of Joseph or Jonah, or even the book of Proverbs. Then just take a chapter (or half) a day; as you read it, ask the Holy Spirit to awaken the scriptures to you, there will be something that will stand out, pray it in over you, begin to do it, apply it to your life. It is like God’s manna, he gave them food each day for that day… don’t think about tomorrow, God will give you what you need tomorrow to get through tomorrow, but equips you today with what you need for today. You eat food each day to nourish and strengthen your body for the day… likewise you need spiritual food if you are to walk triumphantly. Your first reading take it from Joshua 1, each day write the one scripture that touches your heart… then pray it in before you go to sleep at night. It doesn’t need to be complicated, just real!
“that God would grant you…to be strengthened by his spirit in the inner man; that Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith; that being rooted and grounded in love, you may be able to comprehend what is the breadth, and length, and depth, and height; and to know (ginosko) the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge (gnostos), that ye might be filled with all the fulness of God.” Ephesians 3:16