Advent – Day 8
Dec 08 in Advent
As we begin to spend time with God we are filled with Him, His wisdom (His Word) His thoughts, His love, His character, His love … we become a source of life and wisdom to those we come into contact with. His Word is as springs of living water which as they are poured into us need to continually be poured out in order to remain a flowing stream and not become a stagnant pond. Water brings life, it is healing, it is thirst quenching, it is fresh, is dynamic, gets rid of dirt, is clean, is pure.
Joshua 1 says that if we meditate on the Word day and night we will prosper and be successful in whatever we do (that is because we will begin to put God’s principles in place and seek Him for wisdom before we make a decision. Life is the sum total of our choices and as we fill ourselves with His wisdom we find that those choices become the right ones, however not necessarily the easier ones! for in that chapter it also says ‘be strong and very courageous’ three times! you need to have strength of character and much courage to stand in what is right). Psalm 1 says that as we delight in His Word and meditate on it day and night we will be like a tree firmly planted by streams of water which yields its fruit in its season. We will be fruitful.
In a recent interview the archbishop of Canterbury (Justin Welby) was asked how he would like to be prayed for, he replied with three prayers: 1. For God’s wisdom and direction to know what to do. 2. To know when to carry them out (timing) and 3. The courage to do it. I think very good prayers which could be applied to all.