Advent – Day 9
Dec 09 in Advent
What makes you YOU? We are bombarded all day with messages, messages that tell us what we like, what we want, what we need in order to be happy. They tell us what we should look like, how we should be spending our time, our money; without realizing it, we become clones of someone’s idea of what we should be, strive to attain, obtain.
When I was 18 and finishing school I had to choose what career to study at University, I always knew I was great at something, but never really knew at what! I had many ideas, but they were not based on my strengths and likes or talents, they were based on images of who I wanted others to perceive me to be, I would look good as a designer! not, I enjoy design, can draw, therefore … truth is I had no idea! I was completely lost. It wasn’t until my mid twenties that I began to find out who I was. God made me unique, there was no one out there quite like me. I began to embrace who I was, rather than always feeling that I was not measuring up to what I felt others were and I was not, and found that I liked me. For years I had lived striving to become someone that I wasn’t and hating myself in so many ways that did not measure up to the perfect ‘me’.
Psalm 139 says: ” For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place. When I was woven together…” It also says “you know me… you are familiar with all my ways”.
God began to show me who I was, He knew me, had crafted me. I found out that I loved writing, in fact I was always writing! I had always loved reading, I liked History and Politics (I probably would have argued both of those facts at 18) and walking and anything old with a story (so studying Timber to one day go and be a tree surgeon in the jungle in Peru was probably a wrong choice of career! but an adventurous one nonetheless 🙂
God made you and made you unique. There are things only you can do and there are things that are just you! Ask Him to reveal to you the things that make you YOU. What do you love? What do you enjoy? What makes you smile? What do you look forward to? If you were told you had to go to a desert island and could choose a list of 10 things to take with you, what would they be? What could you not live without? What do you love about yourself? Ask others what they think your strengths are, you may be surprised by the answers. If you’re really brave, ask them what they think your weaknesses are, but you must be ready to listen and not justify as to why!
God made you for a purpose that only you can fulfil. He has a plan for your future. He made you with gifts and talents specific to you and you are valuable, of great worth. Stop striving . Consider your ways and ask God to reveal the real you He destined you to be… don’t settle for anything less than the best!