“…grass, herbs yielding seed, and fruit-trees … a THIRD DAY”.
Mar 07 in Lent
DAY 3 eating only vegetables, fruit and salad and I am already feeling the benefits; the saying is true that says: ‘You are what you eat’. What we eat affects the way we feel as well as the organs that keep us functioning.
I want to go into the wilderness with Jesus today and look at the first of the temptations…. He had been fasting for 40 days and was hungry, the tempter came to Him and whispered “If You ARE the Son of God, command that those stones become bread” (Matthew 4); reminds me of the serpent in the Garden of Eden “has God said, You shall not eat from any tree of the garden?” (Genesis 3)… what is it with Satan and food? The devil always tempts using the same three methods; the lusts of the eyes (looks good), the lust of the flesh (taking the easy way) and the pride of life (where I take the place of God, for I know better). With Eve it says that she looked upon the forbidden fruit and it “was good for food and a delight to the eyes, desirable…”
Lust is wanting what you want NOW, even if it is wrong or you can’t afford it. Lust means wanting to live your own way rather than trusting God and live His way. We are the sum total of our appetites and we would rather satisfy our own desires than follow the hard way, we doubt His sufficiency, we distrust Him although He has promised to supply all our needs. The Bible is full of good advice, God sees the end from the beginning and like a Father that will say to his son, don’t touch the fire for it will burn, He gives us instructions for our daily life to avoid us falling on our path. Satan however, comes, knowing our weaknesses and whispers: ‘Pinocchio, you don’t need to go to school, follow your heart! …. let’s bunk and have some fun!… when all the while his intentions are to enslave and turn us into an ass’ easy as!