You can’t save time, you can only invest it. Plan your day for if not, someone else will.
Jul 25 in General
My greatest complaint seems to always be that I just don’t have enough TIME! I remember writing this to a friend of mine, a highly successful businesswoman then in her 90’s. Her reply to me: ‘You are Spanish! You are just disorganized’ (I guess she was thinking about the ‘mañana, mañana’ attitude of ‘if you can do it tomorrow, why do it today?’ which sometimes really does have its place). ‘I am NOT disorganized!’ – I thought, so I wrote back to her with a long, looong list of all my responsibilities and how I hardly had ANY time left to even blow my nose! Her reply? I should hire a cleaner, a childminder, a book-keeper, take the washing to the dry-cleaners, plan our meals ahead of time, and that children should give me at least one week’s notice if they needed me to buy anything for school or other extra-curricular activity 🙂
I could say that she lived in a totally different world to mine, however that was not necessarily the case. You see, she spoke from experience. As a young woman starting out she had shared a house with two friends and chores were shared out equally between them. They all earned the same wage, however she paid someone to do her chores so that she could better spend her time. Her friends argued that they couldn’t afford to do the same, but she said ‘… it’s all down to priorities’. I also argued that I couldn’t afford to employ so many people to run my little household, but I did hire a book-keeper and plan my meals ahead for the week (amazing how much I saved on shopping) and had it delivered, again saving precious time. Amazing how sometimes a little change can make a huge difference.
Brendon Burchard says it’s all about increasing our focus, energy and effectiveness by planning. Planning and increasing our productivity by eliminating interruptions, getting better organized, planning our day ahead and focusing on what’s really important.
You can’t save time, you can only invest it. Plan your day for if not, someone else will.
- Schedule time to learning and growing in God’s Word, for the level of your faith will be determined by the time you spend there. Schedule time to talk to God and be aware that the devil will do everything in his power to keep you from it.
- Schedule time to exercise and look after your health (eat healthy). God gave you a body, make sure you look after it “Moses was 120 years old when he died, yet his eyes were not weak nor his strength gone.” Deuteronomy 34:7
- Schedule time for family. Don’t sacrifice them on the altar of ambition.
- Learn a little each day, it will add over time immensely.
- Pray, it will change your life. Place your burdens in His hands. He can then intervene. It also gives you a higher perspective, wisdom, inside knowledge and directs your path and your choices.
- Work smart and work hard.
- Savour life, not everything is about pleasure. Find the joy in the simple things. Feed the birds, walk in the woods and look for bugs, discover a new place, watch the sunset or an early morning sunrise. Walk barefoot, watch the stars, Rest.
Make the most of every opportunity making the most of your time. Make each hour productive by deciding what’s really important. Being a wise steward of time. The problem is not too little time but too much of it poorly spent.
“Teach us to order (number) our days rightly, that we may grow in wisdom”