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Advent – Day 13

It would be nice to take some time today to think of others, what Christmas is really about is Christ … we spoke of walking the walk, demonstrating Christ, who He is.  He spent Himself on others, it was never about Him.  What could you do today for someone else? It doesn’t need to be

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Advent – Day 12

Socrates said “To know yourself is the beginning of wisdom” The Bible says, to fear God is the beginning of wisdom. However, knowing who I am, having a purpose,  a direction and a reason why is important to knowing where you’re headed. What is your purpose? In the film ‘Chariots of fire’ the main character (playing the

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Advent – Day 11

Who does God say that I am? I am blessed with every spiritual blessing I am loved with an everlasting love. I am given the knowledge of His will for me I am a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come. I am his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for

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Advent – Day 10

It is no good looking for someone else to boost up your confidence, you cannot depend on the opinions of others.  You need to know who you are, placing your confidence in who God says you are, if not you will be too easily shaken. There is no stability in other people’s opinions of you, for you will be emotionally

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Advent – Day 9

What makes you YOU? We are bombarded all day with messages, messages that tell us what we like, what we want, what we need in order to be happy. They tell us what we should look like, how we should be spending our time, our money; without realizing it, we become clones of someone’s idea

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Advent – Day 8

As we begin to spend time with God we are filled with Him, His wisdom (His Word) His thoughts, His love, His character, His love … we become a source of life and wisdom to those we come into contact with. His Word is as springs of living water which as they are poured into us need to continually be poured

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Advent – Day 7

There are so many Christians nowadays that speak with confidence and conviction as God’s mouthpiece yet are talking from their own wisdom, not knowing God’s heart on that issue or any other for that matter. Paul warned about the two different types of wisdom, one which is head knowledge versus one gained by experience. You can

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Advent – Day 6

Today, we’re going to focus on making room with our time. Time is something that passes so quickly! Carve out space and time to spend on things that are truly important, to bring life to those around you. Living each day as if it were your last. If that were the case, what would your

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Advent – Day 5

There is a candle for advent that you light each day in anticipation to the coming of the Messiah.  Jesus said “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” As Christians we are called to be lights in that darkness, to live differently.

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Advent – Day 4

Emmanuel means ‘God with us’. Advent is all about preparing a place within our heart where He may dwell … His Joy, His Love, His Hope, His Peace. Getting our priorities right and not getting caught up in the busy-ness and commercialisation of the season, but looking to simplify life (quality not quantity) and spend it on things

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Advent – Day 3

Yesterday we spoke of those soldiers in WWI who weren’t able to go home for Christmas and how God made a way to meet with them, giving them something far more profound they would never forget.  Likewise this Christmas there are soldiers who are in war-torn countries who won’t make it home and will feel the

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Advent – Day 2

Two stories, two songs portraying that the good news is for everyone. The first very pertinent to the season happened one Christmas eve during World War I, the soldiers had hoped they would be home by Christmas. German soldiers on one side and the British soldiers on the other and after a whole day of fighting,

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Advent – Day 1

Advent The Word Advent comes from the Latin ‘Adventus’ which means ‘Arrival’ or ‘Coming’. This is the time for us to PREPARE for the celebration of Jesus and His coming. It doesn’t have to be all about spending money, the season has lost its way and it’s up to us to bring the true meaning back.

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