EISONE > Just Follow ME

Posts in Just Follow ME

Realigning my steps

Realigning my steps, my lifestyle to the narrow way requires me to change, like the needle of a compass which needs readjusting to ensure it is pointing north.  An arrow which is slightly veering to the right or to the left will miss its target; in the same way we need to ensure that our

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The Narrow Way

I have been pondering ‘the narrow way’ for some time now.  What exactly does it mean to follow the narrow path? One of my favourite poems is the one written by Robert Frost; The Road not Taken, part of it reads: ‘Two roads diverged in a wood, and I— I took the one less travelled

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Living in Uncertain Times

The past year has been a time of transition. What is transition? It is the period of time where you are changing from one state or condition to another. I have three daughters, all grown up and each forging their own path through life. My role as a parent is transitioning from a ‘do this’

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Your background does not determine who you become

What do we know so far? Jesus was born under controversial circumstances, into a humble family and surrounded by drama.  Warned of Herod’s intention to kill him, his family fled to Egypt years later returning to Nazareth (where he grew up) considered a place of disdain – “Nazareth! Can anything good come from there?” (John

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Jesus: Historical Background

Looking at the period of time in which Jesus was born forces us to look back at the historical background before His arrival. Israel had pleaded for a King; they wanted to be as the surrounding nations.  Saul was crowned the first King of Israel, followed 20 years later by King David (1000BC) and succeeded by

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Time Line to Jesus

ADAM – EVE . NOAH  (flood) (Shem, Ham, Japheth: His 3 sons) . ABRAHAM (Journey) . ISAAC . JACOB (Struggled with God – Named ISRAEL – Start of a Nation) . 12 SONS (12 Tribes of Israel) . JOSEPH (Journey) (400 Years in Egypt) . MOSES (Journey) (Desert 40 Years x 2) . JOSHUA (Brought people

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JESUS as controversial today as He was in His time.

Over the next few weeks, I want to look at Jesus.  We would most possibly consider Him a ‘refugee’ in the West if we were to see Him now; dark skinned with Middle Eastern facial features, dark eyes … not at all the light coloured hair and fair skinned man with blue eyes that we

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