Posts in Lent

Lent Day 13: Winter is Past

It is the last day of winter, the hardest season of the year for me, in fact I could quite easily skip it altogether, I would not miss it; cold and wet, barren and harsh, where nature takes a rest; plants live off their underground food storage reserves, the soil gathers minerals while it lies

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Lent Day 12: The Scarlet Thread

An amazing depiction of God’s heart and how He is in the business of renewing, restoring and transforming lives no matter how broken and hope-less; He is a God who cares, who persistently stretches forth His hand to us, no matter the circumstances we’re in,  just like the story of the potter in Jeremiah 18,

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Lent Day 11: Hidden Mysteries

The Bible has many threads interwoven throughout it, once you begin to unravel one of them you discover a new hidden depth knitted carefully and intrinsically through each book, story, life; a fragrance made from a costly oil of sweet spices – with every revelation a new ingredient that I add to my alabaster jar

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Lent Day 10: Come up Higher

We come back to the book of Esther. Having lost both her parents she was brought up by (her older cousin in fact) Mordecai; we know that she was beautiful and was kidnapped, along with many other girls, by the King who was looking for a new wife. Taken to the palace, she was to

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Lent Day 9: What is my heart like?

Do I give with no expectation of return? Do I appreciate a help given? Do I love, really, truly? Do I judge and see myself as better? Do I pretend to love, then criticise? Do I resent a cry of help? A favour asked, perhaps? Do I keep count of every time I give, or

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Lent Day 7: Preparing for Purim

The festival of Purim will be celebrated this year from sunset 15th March to nightfall on the 16th March; as we draw closer I want to look at the story of Esther on which it is based and look at the way Jews will remember their deliverance from evil Haman, who’s intention was to destroy

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Lent DAY 5: He who has seen Me has seen the Father

I thought I would look today at the second temptation of Jesus whilst in the desert, Satan tempting Him to demonstrate that He was indeed who He said He was “If you are the Son of God… throw yourself down. For it is written: “‘He will command his angels concerning you …” Matthew 4:6 “If you

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Lent DAY 4: ‘they called the bread manna’

‘man shall not live by bread alone’ Deuteronomy 8:1-6 Bread alone does not satisfy, we can fulfill every craving yet will still not gratify that restless need for something more. We can try to fill it with a thousand things, but are always left with that feeling that we’re missing something. The Bible says He has

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Lent Day 2: Sorting out the wheat from the chaff

“Turn away my eyes from looking at vanity (worthless things) and revive me in Thy ways” Psalm 119:37 Lent makes us think on the birth, life, death and resurrection of Jesus. As I walked the dog this afternoon, I started to think about death; we all react differently to that word and yet know it

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Lent DAY 1: Disconnected to be Reconnected.

“… for from the FIRST DAY that thou didst set thy heart to understand and to humble thyself before thy God…” DAY 1 of my Pilgrimage Journey, I have always wanted to walk one of them… away from the busy-ness and distractions of everyday life with its information overload and ‘must do’ or ‘must be’

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Why Lent?

I have never really thought about ‘doing’ Lent. I always saw it more as a religious practice rather than Christian living and always ignored it; however, this year at the dawn of 2014 I felt a strong sense that God not only wanted me to do lent but that He had something important to show

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