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Posts in Proverbs

Proverbs 31 – Part 2

The final part of chapter 31 reveals the character of a virtuous woman. How precious and valuable she is! A rare beauty like a ruby, but money couldn’t buy her. She is trustworthy (her husband fully trusts her and has total confidence in what she does and decisions she makes). She brings him good, she

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Proverbs 31- Part 1

Proverbs 31 comes in two parts. First is the advice of a woman to her son. What a blessing a godly mother can be. Her first warning to be careful abut women, women can destroy kings. God gave the kings of Israel clear instructions as to what they should avoid: 1- not multiply horses to

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Proverbs 30

Agur learnt from observation, from people, animals, insects…. what things to avoid and what truths to apply to his life. He describes the generation that is 1. Disrespectful to parents. 2. Have no need for God or sense of sin 3. Are proud 4. Are violent with no pity for others. All things Jesus said

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Proverbs 29

The Bible tells us to pray for those in authority, why? Because their actions affect the whole nation. In the same way parents actions affect the whole family. They can affect it either for good or for evil, we need to pray that they will establish justice and not be affected by lies or bribes,

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Proverbs 28

God’s way brought blessing but when God’s people chose disobedience they suffered. Our choices not only affect us but the lives of so many others. When you do what’s wrong it brings fear, fear of being found out, of paying the price. There is no peace. What you sow you will reap. It will also

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Proverbs 27

Ch.27 reminds us of the importance of now as there is no guarantee for tomorrow. Do not boast about how great you are, let another do it. Humility is the first garment to be put on and the last to take off ‘A man is valued by what others say of him’. Listen to the

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Proverbs 26

The first part of ch.26 is all to do with the behaviour of fools (opp. to wise) the way of a fool is right in his own eyes; he despises his father’s instructions; does not want to understand; trusts in his own heart; vents all his feelings; walks in darkness; talks too much. v.1 says

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Proverbs 25

In Ch.25 we have our part to play so that God can do His part…it is a two way partnership, we can’t do what we want and expect Him to then do as we say…God loves you as much today as the day He created you, but also loves you too much to leave you

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Proverbs 24

Ch.24 shows us different lifestyles and behaviour(s), we are building not only for the present but also for the future. Through wisdom a house is built (a foolish person will tear it down) so build right and with the right materials. The Bible gives you the master builders instructions…the wisdom that created the world! Wisdom

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Do you have CLASS?

When others speak well of you, you’ve got acceptance, but when the truth speaks well of you, you’ve got class! Paul’s words to Timothy…set an example…in speech, in life, in love, in faith, in purity…that’s class. Consider these words carefully. Class is confidence dressed in humility. It keeps its word, its temper and its friends.

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Proverbs 23

Class: a blue-blood can be totally without it, while the son of a miner may ooze it out of every pore! Prv.23 is all about class! How you conduct yourself…do not envy the rich man’s style what we do and think is a manifestation of what we are. We are encouraged to work but not

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Proverbs 22

v.29 ‘do you see a man who excels in his work? He will stand before Kings. The Book of Daniel speaks of him as a young man of an excellent spirit and he did stand before kings. Three in fact. What makes you excellent? v.1 the excellence of a good name. You choose a good

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Proverbs 21

What kind of person do I want to be? God can raise up and can put down. The Lord looks on the inside, the motives behind our actions…he sees deeper, in Him is absolute safety. He knows, He weighs, He delivers. He shows us the right way and warns us about the wrong way but

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Proverbs 20

God wants us to live wisely. Proverbs teaches us how God views things: 1) He hates dishonesty and cheats they WILL have to give account. If we are unfairly treated we should not take revenge, commit it to Him, wait on Him for He takes care of His own like the shepherd looks out and

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Proverbs 19

The fear of the Lord: we are told it is the beginning of wisdom…what is it? When we come into God’s presence there is no more pretending for He sees us as we are, he sees but we also see ourselves in His light…there is no hiding, the naked truth where there are no disguises,

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