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Posts in Steps of Ascent

Psalm of Ascents – Psalm 134

We have finally reached the entrance to the Temple! Our last step brings us to His dwelling place. A blessing goes forth to those who faithfully stand as watchmen through the night, standing in the house of the Lord. The people now join the priests. ‘Lift up your hands to the sanctuary and bless the Lord’

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Psalms of Ascents – Psalm 133

This Psalm may have only three verses but there is so much allegory in it that it has proven really hard to condense to a bite-size. ‘How good and how pleasant it is for brothers to dwell together in unity’ King David knew the value of unity, he was told in 2 Samuel 12:10 that the

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Psalms of Ascents – Psalm 132

“Until I find a place for the Lord, a dwelling place for the Mighty One of Jacob…. let us go into His dwelling place, let us worship at His footstool.” There are so many threads we can follow through the Bible, on my study during lent I found I followed the blood line, the scarlet

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Psalms of Ascents – Psalm 131

‘Don’t wrestle just nestle’ Corrie ten Boom There are things that are just too hard! where we can’t carry on! Too big to fathom, too complicated to understand, figure out, fix or fight. Exhausted from the constant struggle we come to the end of our own resources for we just can’t press on, can’t do it!  Like a toddler worn out

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Psalm of Ascents – Psalm 129

As we know the Psalms of Ascents were sung during the pilgrimage journey back to Jerusalem, a return home – representing a coming back to the heart of God – a journey of self-discovery, where things that had been kept deep and buried now resurface.  What every pilgrim journey does is gives you time, time to think; time to

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Psalms of Ascents – Psalm 128b

The second cause of happiness according to this Psalm is eating of the fruit of your labour (v.2) which comes with a promise of blessing and prosperity.  There is a condition attached though: Work! The lazy person will always put things off, sleep too much, make excuses, waste time,  have lack and live in poverty

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Psalms of Ascents – Psalm 128

Psalm 128 (part 1) the UK government was working on a National Survey to measure happiness in the country and the ten factors that were most likely to cause it. The first verse of this Psalm gives us the answer: ‘Happy is every one that fears the Lord and walks in His ways’ … The

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Psalms of Ascents – Psalm 127

On my wall I have a heart with the words I wrote in chalk on it: ‘Perfect family under construction’… and we are just that! A work in progress. As a parent of three I was very soon  fully aware of how inept I felt for the job,  how my every decision and choice concerning

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Psalm of Ascents – Psalm 126

It is believed that this Psalm was written during the time of the return of the exiles from Babylon. It seemed like an impossible dream, they were filled with unspeakable joy and their hearts overflowed with worship and thanksgiving. God alone had done it! as prophesied by the prophet Isaiah (Is. 44:28 – 45:1). We

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Psalms of Ascent – Psalm 125

Today we begin the climb of our sixth step, the climb so necessary to our spiritual journey because we need to come up higher to see things from God’s perspective, to keep our eyes on God and His promises and not on man, which is why we lift our eyes to the hill… “Thy Kingdom

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Psalms of Ascent – Psalm124

In this Psalm David remembers the Lord’s deliverance, how many times had He rescued him from the hand of the enemy and helped him to triumph?.  Not through his own wisdom, charisma, ability or agility but ‘had it not been the Lord who was on his side’ v.1 The Psalms, a book where we find that we

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Psalms of Ascent – Psalm 123

Continuing on our pilgrimage journey to Jerusalem, where God reigns Supreme. He IS enthroned, a position of sovereign power, rulership and Kingship. The seat of government.. He speaks a Word and it is done! “He measured the waters in the hollow of His hand, And marked off the heavens by the span, And calculated the dust

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Psalms of Ascent – Psalm 122

Looking to and longing for the city of our God. Rejoicing at the thought of time spent with HIM, a desire to be in His presence, go deeper. The tribes were to go up to Jerusalem to celebrate the holy festivals (Leviticus 23) a time of celebration and thanksgiving, reshuffling of priorities and future ambitions,

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Psalms of Ascent – Psalm 121

The journey can sometimes seem too long or wrought with danger and opposition ‘If you look around, you’ll be distressed. If you look within you’ll be depressed. If you look up at God you’ll be at rest (blessed)’ Corrie ten Boom. Looking up requires a total helplessness in my own ability and a complete trust

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Psalms of Ascent – Psalm 120

“In my trouble I cried to the Lord, and He answered me” The first verse,  a cry for help. I am far from home, not where I want to be, no longer want to stay. A decision is made to return, a longing for peace, to leave difficulties and conflict, lies and deceit behind. To

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