EISONE > The History of the Sephardic Jews of Spain

Posts in The History of the Sephardic Jews of Spain

Psalms of Ascent – Psalm 130

We live in a fast-food, minimal effort vs. huge entitlement society, where we want instant returns for the least or no sacrifice. Sin is a swear word for we have removed all boundaries and do as each feels right according to our own conscience; however even this is being slowly eroded, for what we did not accept as

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Part 5 – Sephardic Jews of Spain

The Sephardic Jews left a wealthy legacy in Spain that has withstood the test of time Spanish Jews contributed greatly to every area of Spanish life, their appreciation of objects from a theological perspective, their appreciation for nature and lessons that could be directly associated to human behaviour. An important feature of Sephardic Culture was

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Part 4 – Sephardic Jews of Spain

The Golden Age had ended and the Dark Ages came to Spain In 1250 the first blood libel was recorded. Pogroms (violent and spontaneous riots) began emerging and increasing all over Spain, mobs murdered Jews destroying and looting their homes, shops and religious centres, reaching its peak in 1391 where thousands were killed marking the

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Part 3 – Sephardic Jews of Spain

711A.D. will always be remembered as the Golden Age for Jews in Spain The Jews dispersed all over Spain, multiplying in number and prospering in every area of life; many Jews from the surrounding European countries moved to Spain, many learnt the Arab language taking office in government, commerce and finance. They excelled in medicine,

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Part 2 – Sephardic Jews of Spain

The Catholic Church was to blame A Syrian bishop (110 A.D.) by the name of Ignatius of Antioch on his way to martyrdom in Rome wrote a message which clearly differentiated between “Judaism” and “Christendom” admonishing Christians not to hold fast to the Jewish practices which they must have been keeping; by the second century

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Part 1- Sephardic Jews of Spain

An historical account whose effect on its people would silence an entire peninsula for 500 yrs! Archaelogical findings discovered in the South of Spain revealed Jewish remains dating as far back as the third century. Historians believe the Romans could have possibly imported Jewish slaves into the peninsula and that others may have accompanied the

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