EISONE > The Word

Posts in The Word

The Word of God has many functions (Pt. 4)

The Word of God covers Science, History, Psychology, Geography, Religious doctrine and Humanity.  It gives wisdom, hope, life and insight.  It is an eternal book.  “Simon Peter answered Him, “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have words of eternal life…” John 6:68 9 – It is a sure and solid foundation that we can build and stand on, knowing that whatever

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The Word of God has many functions (Pt. 3)

I love the Bible because they are real stories of real people who made real mistakes and to whom we can relate to – also being imperfect.  From every account we find that we are not alone, finding within its pages hope, direction and courage for the future.  Through each life we learn of a good God

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Demand your rights : or Not ?

Yielded and listening to what is on His heart – so hard because so often WE get in the way! I love this story because it reminds me of how God is so much greater than man. How often we get offended, allowing pride to have its say, ‘How dare … !’  yet if every now and then

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The Word of God has many functions (Pt.2)

The law of the LORD is perfect, restoring the soul;  The testimony of the LORD is sure, making wise the simple.   The precepts of the LORD are right, rejoicing the heart;  The commandment of the LORD is pure, enlightening the eyes … Moreover, by them Your servant is warned; In keeping them there is great reward.

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The Word of God has many functions (Pt. 1)

His Word is our greatest investment.  Joshua was instructed: “This book of the law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it; for then you will make your way prosperous, and then you

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Our daily Bread

We have such a heritage of Godly men and women that impacted the history of this nation as they sought God and His plan and purposes for their life.  Walking with God they obtained the impossible and touched countless lives. One such man was George Müller who reached out to over 10,000 orphans in his generation.  He

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Not choosing the good at the expense of the best

The Word of God gives us God’s agenda.  Part of the problem in our culture is that we are too busy.  If we really understood the importance of the Word of God, we would push all other things aside and make it the primary focus of our life.  The advice that every older, wiser and godly man or woman

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His Word is sufficient, it is complete.

I found this book extract (unfortunately I have been unable to trace its source) : ‘There were two men walking on a lake of ice, the first one tiptoes on it and moves to get off quickly, he is scared, timid, nervous and afraid to venture out … constantly looking for cracks in the ice, wondering whether

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To know Truth

“Behold, Thou dost desire truth in my innermost being and in the hidden part Thou wilt make me know wisdom” Who is guiding and influencing my walk and my direction?  Am I allowing God to have His way?  Who is influencing my steps? ‘The essential character of an action lies in the motive of him

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