Courage is not the absence of fear but the willingness to do the things we fear.
Jul 12 in Courage
There are two reactions to stress: FIGHT or FLIGHT. Courage however only develops through enduring and facing our challenges. We will always need courage to do what is right. As R. Reagan said “there will never be a dark night that doesn’t end” therefore be strong and let your heart take courage.
Thomas Aquinas said that “courage is the strength of mind capable of conquering whatever threatens the attainment of the highest good.” Aristotle thought of courage as the affirmation of man’s essential nature.
Plato considered courage to be an element of the soul that bridges the cleavage between reason and desire.
Martin Luther King said: “Courage, the power of life to affirm itself in spite of life’s ambiguities/obstacles/frightening situations” A tough mind, a tender heart.
A French philosopher said, “No man is strong unless he bears within his character antitheses strongly marked” “Education consists in being afraid at the right time” Angelo Patri “Courage is knowing the worst – and discovering that, in God’s world, the very worst can’t really hurt you” (Guideposts 1958) … and my all time favourite: “Courage is fear having said its prayers“. God’s plan for you is to get down on your knees to pray, then get up in faith and do what He’s told you to do; your victory is assured but you have a part to play in it.
‘Heroes are forged on anvils hot with pain
And splendid courage comes but with test
Some natures ripen and some natures bloom
Only on blood-wet soil some souls prove great
Only in moments dark with death or doom‘
God gets His best soldiers out of the highlands of affliction, when things get tough, FIGHT BACK! Don’t give up until the battle is completely won. If the enemy wants a fight, give him the hardest one yet.
Normal fear protects us, abnormal fear paralyzes us by our focusing only on the problem/s. Courage is the power to overcome fear, requires careful planning and an inner resolution to go forward in spite of. Fear drains energy and depletes resources yet if we were to lose fear we would be deprived of our capacity to grow, invent and create.
‘Only when our security depends on God’s unchanging love can we face the challenges that life is sure to bring our way.’
Do something every day that scares you.
“Rush into the future in strength, courage, hope and love” Sir Francis Drake.