Lent DAY 4: ‘they called the bread manna’
Mar 10 in Lent
‘man shall not live by bread alone’ Deuteronomy 8:1-6
Bread alone does not satisfy, we can fulfill every craving yet will still not gratify that restless need for something more. We can try to fill it with a thousand things, but are always left with that feeling that we’re missing something. The Bible says He has set heaven in our hearts, it is God we seek and no other thing will ever come close to having a relationship with Him. When He speaks that ‘rhema’ word that opens your eyes to something so simple and yet that you had never seen before, you are filled to the brim with a total peace, inner joy and love so pure that words cannot describe, nothing else matters, you are complete!
One and God is a majority, particularly one that is surrendered entirely to God’s plans. Satan comes to thwart those plans to get us to walk independently of God… even better then if we say we are doing it in God’s Name and bring Him shame! How many times have I assumed a way I was taking or a thing I was doing was automatically the right one?
God’s ways are not our ways. His way had Joseph thrown in a pit, sold to strangers, enslaved and imprisoned. His way had David running for his life and leaning on God daily whilst hiding out in caves. His way had Jesus born poor and in a stable, escaping to Egypt and crucified to a cross. By outward appearances it would seem God had abandoned Him. Sometimes God has us in a hard place because there is something He is longing to teach us, yet the hardest thing is to not take an illegitimate way out of a legitimate need, for it is in the fire that gold is refined and sometimes by losing the greatest battles are won.
“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways” Isaiah 55:8