EISONE > Lent > Lent DAY 1: Disconnected to be Reconnected.

Lent DAY 1: Disconnected to be Reconnected.

Mar 05 in Lent

“… for from the FIRST DAY that thou didst set thy heart to understand and to humble thyself before thy God…”

DAY 1 of my Pilgrimage Journey, I have always wanted to walk one of them… away from the busy-ness and distractions of everyday life with its information overload and ‘must do’ or ‘must be’ lists. So easy to always have something to come and distract you from thinking, but on one of these walks there is no escaping it, makes you ponder over your life, past, present and future… step out and see it from a different angle. You suddenly become so small in the scheme of things, it is then that we turn to the One who has been there since the very beginning … we are humbled.

This is how I feel I am to picture this 40 day journey… I have disconnected as much as I am capable of from what I would see as worldly distractions for a time, to set aside time to seek and ponder, breaking away to become, letting go to lay hold of and determine what is truly important, a time to search and detox, self-examine and cut loose from every frivolous thing in my life, that I may begin to make the most of my time. Habits either work for you or against you.

I have chosen the Daniel fast (Daniel 10:2-3). Daniel fasted from delicacies, it seemed the most appropriate to the theme. Isaiah 58 speaks of why we fast. It is done in secret (no blogs then 😉 not to be seen by men as it is between you and Him. A time to seek Him that He may come and show us new things, repair, restore, raise up and rebuild us from the inside out.

A fast comes with requirements attached, telling us to watch our tongue, stop pointing fingers and gossiping but instead seeing to others’ needs. In a nutshell, life stops being just about me. A time to reach out and humble my soul before God. The soul is made up of our mind, will and emotions which are the ones bombarded all day with things that we react to. We need a new perspective, to be re-connected to the one who knows me best. Plugged in to the true source of life.

fast co


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