It’s Your Way or No Way – A message to Christians
Mar 21 in General
A few months ago I found myself praying: ‘It’s Your Way or No Way’
My thoughts took me to Exodus 33:15 – where Moses said: “If Your presence does not go with us, do not lead us up from here.”
I felt a sense of wanting to go deeper – I no longer wanted to play at being a Christian but needed God and His Word pervading every part of my life and my daily walk. I had to consider: Does God have to fit around my schedule or am I being led by His Spirit? Am I walking in Spirit and in truth?
I then listened to a sermon by Carter Conlon: ‘The God or nothing ministry’
My attention was also brought back to Martin Lloyd Jones’ book: ‘Gods Way Not Ours ‘ on sermons from Isaiah 1 to 18 – Where men did it their own way, rather than God’s. Incurring judgment.
I considered: How many times do we hear of the song ‘I did it my way’ – by Frank Sinatra – being sung at funerals. However, doing it our way, is that not acting independently from God, therefore what the Bible would call rebellion?
We are living in a time where it is becoming harder and harder to speak what the Bible says from fear of sounding judgmental or intolerant. And so as a result I find that many times I choose to keep silent not wanting to cause offense. For there’s a cost.
The way of the cross ever becoming unpopular – Sin has become an ugly word. Unwelcome.
God wants to squeeze me into His mould – not the other way round, where I squeeze God into my mould – what makes me feel comfortable or accepted.
‘Brothers and sisters, my heart’s desire and my prayer to God for them is for their salvation. For I testify about them that they have a zeal for God, but not in accordance with knowledge. For not knowing about God’s righteousness and seeking to establish their own, they did not subject themselves to the righteousness of God.’ Romans 10:1-3
‘Then the Lord said, “Because this people approach Me with their words and honour Me with their lip service, But their heart is far from Me, And their reverence for Me consists of tradition of men that is taught.’ Isaiah 29:13
Men not wanting God’s righteousness – establishing their own righteousness.
As part of His Church I am called to be light and point to the way, for ‘There is a way that seems right to a man, but in the end, it leads to destruction’ Proverbs 14:12
I can’t improve on God or His Word.
It’s either His way or no way.
Do I want God on my terms?
As I pondered these questions, I listened to another sermon by R.T. Kendall that spoke of Yesterday’s man vs. Today’s man.
Yesterday’s man: eg. Saul (1 Samuel 15 – at Gilgal) was disobedient, did not carry out God’s commands, rejected the word of the Lord … it says: ‘because I feared the people and listened to their voice.’ God took away His favour, His anointing … 1 Samuel 16 v.14 – ‘the Spirit departed from Saul’ – however, we know he continued in his position as king for another 20 years.
In the position but without God.
Today’s man: eg. Samuel (1 Samuel 16) was required to take risks, come out of his comfort zone. Follow the leading of the Holy Spirit.
Had to go against what men thought was the obvious choice, against common sense, what followed tradition (the first born). David, by man’s reasoning, had been disqualified, wasn’t a viable candidate. However Samuel had to choose to be obedient to God over and above public opinion. He submitted to the Father’s choice and direction.
It’s His way or no way. It is an uncompromising call for obedience.
- What is my narrative?
- Am I establishing a clear theological position or bending the rules to accommodate and be liked/accepted by others?
- Am I bowing to the gods of the age?
- Am I holding to the authority of scripture as the final authority regards all Christian life? Or do I want God on my own terms?
- Am I insisting on My Way or even bargaining with God, trying to convince Him of the wisdom of doing it my way?
- What message am I preaching? What is the motivation behind my message? Am I motivated by a desire to be obedient to God?
‘To obey is better than sacrifice’ 1 Samuel 15:22
God does not change.
My Prayer:
It’s Your way or no way. Show me/us Your way.
Help me/us to faithfully proclaim the truth to salvation.
To be the voice of truth – people are looking to us to show the way (we are responsible/accountable), we may be the only Bible they read.
It is Your way or no way.
As in the Temptation of Jesus in the Wilderness, Satan will always offer an alternative way – offering all the glory and the kingdom – ‘if you will bow down to me’. By-passing the cross. At no personal cost.
Help me/us to be discerning. Help me/us to always choose Your way and not compromise. Help me/us to hold and stand firmly on the truth. Help me/us to be bold and courageous yet always humble, full of grace and permeated by Your love.
Jesus, I/we declare that You are the only way, the truth and the life.
“If Your presence does not go with us, do not lead us up from here.”