JESUS as controversial today as He was in His time.
Jan 30 in Just Follow ME
Over the next few weeks, I want to look at Jesus. We would most possibly consider Him a ‘refugee’ in the West if we were to see Him now; dark skinned with Middle Eastern facial features, dark eyes … not at all the light coloured hair and fair skinned man with blue eyes that we see in so many paintings. In the Bible it says of Him that He had ‘no stately form or majesty that we should look upon Him, nor appearance that we should be attracted to Him.’ He was plain looking.
A man as controversial today as He was in His time yet who still produces a deep reaction in people when you mention His name. He was completely unconventional, could not be controlled or many times understood as He did not comply to man’s ways or thinking patterns. He challenged the status quo and was altogether extraordinary.
I want to look into the things He said and did, His genealogy and the period of time into which He was born. We find Jesus depicted and foretold throughout the Old Testament and find that He fulfills so much of what had been prophesied in it also. He shows us the Father’s heart, He was a friend of sinners and yet remained uncompromising and unblemished. Drama surrounds His birth and His death, ‘a man of sorrows acquainted with deepest grief’ who ‘learned obedience through the things He suffered’, who can identify with everything we feel or go through; can ‘sympathize with our weaknesses’ who was ‘tempted in all things as we are’ and yet ‘oozed’ life wherever He went transforming lives and completing His mission: to save the world!