Lent Day 15: Life is in the blood
Mar 25 in Lent
I find myself back following that scarlet thread, seems to flow through the Bible from beginning to end and I just can’t seem to let it rest; so here we go back to Genesis and to the Garden of Eden where it first appears, the first sacrifice: “And the LORD God made clothing from animal skins for Adam and his wife” Genesis 3:21 – after they had in their ignorance tried to provide a covering for themselves with giant fig leaves, not knowing that it is the most itchy leaf they could have chosen! hard not to grin! and yet when we follow our own desires, how many times do we end up in much the same state, blaming everyone and everything, wide open and vulnerable to passing forces, trying to cover up and in the most uncomfortable situations, the flesh wants more, the problem grows, there is no peace –
We follow the thread to Abraham and Isaac, God asks him to offer his son as a sacrifice, on his way Isaac calls to him asking “Behold, the fire and the wood, but where is the lamb for the burnt offering? and Abraham said, God will provide for Himself the lamb for the burnt offering, my son“ Genesis 22:7-8 … He did!
God’s redemptive plan was underway from the very beginning of creation… we see it appear again during the Exodus from Egypt, God’s people saved from a life of slavery, saved from death by applying the blood of the Passover Lamb to the doors of their houses; a covering from the destroyer. God brought them out making a way where there was no way; yet they failed to put their trust in Him, they were still ruled by a soulish belief, it was not deep, had no real foundations. They saw the giants instead of the giant cluster of grapes or fertile land flowing with milk and honey… What had God said?
Where we put our eyes determines what fills our minds that in turn affect our emotions. Are we soul led or Spirit led? Are we putting our feet on God’s Word or on what our circumstances seem to dictate? Do I have an earthly vision or a heavenly one? in whom or what do I place my trust? Do I believe God for the impossible, or have I made Him my size, so that I can place Him in a box which I can control and understand? Comfortable – for He then follows My cleverly devised plans, so …
… He leads us to the desert …