Lent Day 20: The blessed hope
Apr 03 in Lent
We find so many parallels in the story of Ruth, we have Naomi (the pleasant land : Israel) Ruth (the gentile (church) who adopts the God of Naomi), Boaz (a picture of Jesus our redeemer, who paid the price, that we may be grafted in to the olive tree – Romans 11 – born in Bethlehem, owner of the field, he was kind and displayed all the qualities of a good master).
Ruth blesses Naomi whilst working in the Master’s field … she was determined, worked hard and listened to her counsel, there was a perfect timing to Ruth’s redemption which included a time to act followed by a time to wait, when they were to trust that God had a plan and was working on their behalf. Redemption means to be set free by paying a price, clearing a debt. According to Levitical law, if a land was sold, it had a redemption clause whereby it could be bought back, this could only be done by a close relative / next of kin. (Leviticus 25/Deuteronomy 25). Boaz promises to settle the matter on her behalf and pays the price … the story ends with a wedding, a baby and a future full of hope for both women who enter into the blessing through their ‘goel’ kinsman redeemer.
The book of Ruth is always read during Pentecost (Shavuot), the grain harvest in Israel, a season of rejoicing, considered as the ‘marriage day’ between God and His people as they remember when God gave Moses the commandments (marriage contract) on Mount Sinai. God called them out of Egypt to be a people holy and set apart, His own peculiar treasure. Pentecost also falls on the day the Holy Spirit came upon the disciples in the upper room, where they were ‘sealed’ as His own possession “having also believed, you were sealed in Him with the Holy Spirit of promise, who is given as a pledge of our inheritance, with a view to the redemption of God’s own possession” Ephesians 1:13
Women many times fail to recognize the vital role they play in their community, their family and homes. They are the pillars that hold things together and that can cause others to inherit the purposes of God in their lives. Makes me consider and thank God for the wise mum’s (including my own) and older women that have so impacted my life now and whilst growing up; investing their love and time, that pray with a faith and authority gained through years of experience of walking with God, who hold the word of truth on their lips, are always there for you, strengthen you, encourage you, warn you, build you up, sharing knowledge gained through experience always giving you wise counsel; who continue like ancient oak trees (who have survived fires and droughts) yet stand strong always ready with the right word; Oak trees are actually in some cases built into the design of a house! I like that picture! I want to be like one of them when I grow up!
“… having done all, they STAND!”