Lent Day 21: Spring Cleaning
Apr 07 in Lent
Winter is gone and new hopes appear on the horizon, out with the old, in with the new! all thoughts related with Spring. It is after the feast of Purim that preparations get underway for Passover which begin in every Jewish family with a thorough spring clean to get rid of all leaven from the house. Every room, wardrobe, cupboard, fridge, oven, office, car, nook and cranny… a really good sort out! The idea is to rid of all crumbs, as they remember the bread of affliction they partook of as slaves in a foreign land and the redemption that God orchestrated on their behalf (Deuteronomy 16:2-4).
Likewise, Jesus has redeemed us from the bondage of sin to a new life in Him. Leaven is synonymous with sin, so it is a good time to look in every room of our own hearts and lives and put things right. Confess any sin, clean out the leaven, wash it by the blood of Christ shed on the cross for us, that purifies us from the inside, and begin a new day walking in a new way (turn around) the more you walk the better you get, the longer your stride, striking the ground with larger and firmer steps, strengthening your legs, a winners stride taking higher ground.
I want to do both, I want to take time to sort out the house, take each room and have a clean and a clear out, refreshes the soul, helps you think clearer if you are on top of things; but also take every area of my life, visit each room with my heart open to hear God, ask Him to reveal any areas that perhaps need cleaning out, any breaches in the wall where the enemy can come in and use to disrupt my life. He uses our weaknesses against us so we need to fortify them. The Dictionary defines ‘fortify’ as: protecting and strengthening against attack, furnish a means of resisting force, impart strength, set up a wall of defense, reinforce…
“…come, and let us build up the wall…”