Lent Day 27: His ways are not my ways.
Apr 29 in Lent
Looking over the last few weeks it is incredible to see already the ground that has been covered. A challenge I believe is not only for Lent but to reprogramme the way I live my daily life. Determining what is really important, re-setting thinking patterns and reprogramming habits; sweeping up and confronting the past for it is very much a part of my present and determines what I carry into my future; that I may walk stronger and wiser. Detaching myself from those things that only come to complicate life rather than simplify it. Detoxing of bad habits, a deep cleansing inside and out where I learn to not give in to every appetite; a spring clean of home and temple. Embracing every desert experience, necessary trials designed to deepen and strengthen my faith, seeing that God is always at work beckoning me to come higher, listen to His gentle whisper, every situation an opportunity for Him to repair, restore, raise up and rebuild for He is the master builder!
A time to humble myself that I may realize that it is wise to listen to advice, that there are times to be quiet, times to pray, times to seek Him and fast, times to speak up or act and times to wait and stand (not concentrating on the obstacles and giants) viewing things from His perspective… falling into His pattern means I need to be attentive to where He leads and not assume that the way I feel I should follow is necessary the right path to take.
He taught us the art of giving, self-lessness, loving, giving and forgiving. He searches out the broken, the hopeless, the hurting, the rejected, the imprisoned… no one is beyond His love to save and turn around. He took our sin, paid the price that we may have eternal life. The old is gone … “See, I am doing a new thing”.
Where I learn to Love His Way… patiently (although they frustrate in ways outside of my control), kind (though they don’t deserve it), not jealous (even when I feel I may lose); not bragging (as I don’t know what tomorrow may bring), not arrogant (aware that I am a work in progress and pride comes before a fall); not acting unbecomingly but befitting and nicely ; not seeking always to my own benefit but looking and remembering others, not easily provoked but showing self-control, not taking into account a wrong suffered and learning to forgive (even when the offending party is not sorry) for the fruit of bitterness will never bring peace nor satisfy; not rejoicing in sin for it comes at a price. Rejoicing in the truth; bearing, believing, hoping and enduring to the very end for Love never fails!
His ways are harder but do not disappoint.
“Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” We do not have to bear things alone!