EISONE > Lent > Lent Day 9: What is my heart like?

Lent Day 9: What is my heart like?

Mar 16 in Lent

Do I give with no expectation of return?
Do I appreciate a help given?
Do I love, really, truly?
Do I judge and see myself as better?
Do I pretend to love, then criticise?
Do I resent a cry of help? A favour asked, perhaps?
Do I keep count of every time I give, or help?
What is my heart truly like?

Do I appreciate the friends I have?
Do I enjoy spending time in their company?
Do I see them as a privilege to know?
Do I bless them every opportunity that I have?
Do I put them first, or do I come first?
Do I spend myself on others, poured out?
Do I cry when they cry, and rejoice when they are blessed?

What am I truly like?
Am I the same on the inside to the one that I portray?
Do I dress my love with mercy, or am I too hard?
Do I lack compassion when giving out advice?
Do I want the best for them or do I wish it upon myself?
Do I enjoy their strengths and gifts, or them do I resist?
When they hurt, do I truly grieve within my heart?

Do I pretend? Am I sincere in all I do and say?
Do I build up or tear down?
What does my mouth say about my heart? Does death or life come out?
Is there anything hidden I’d rather others not see of the real me?
Do I consider myself as better, or am I as humble as I sometimes seem?

Can my friend trust fully in me?
Can I be trusted with another’s heart, life?
Or will I spill the beans as soon as I have a chance?
Can I be trusted? What is my heart like?
Do I really want to know what constitutes my heart?

The hidden me that knows the inner thoughts within my heart.
Do I say what I know they want to hear me say?
Or can I believe the words I speak?
My inner me, is that a mystery? or am I honest in my dealings?
Do I blame others for my own failings?
‘pure in heart’- my true ratings!



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Lent Day 8: I will save the lame and gather the outcast «

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