Proverbs 10
May 26 in Proverbs
Chapter 10 contrasts between righteousness (doing what is right) and wickedness, diligence and laziness, unity and strife, wisdom and folly. It is up to you to choose what path to take! Children can bring parents joy or sorrow which is why its so important to put God first. He who is wise will prepare for the future and take advantage of present time opportunities, will be obedient to God’s instructions and will speak the right thing. A wise person will also store up knowledge. When you walk right you avoid taking a wrong path, it brings with it God’s provision and blessing, makes you secure and blesses others. This chapter mentions mouth, tongue and lips over and over, that is because what we say reflects what we are. Your mouth can bring life or death, can build up or tear down, can feed or slay, by criticising can speak wisdom or pervert (turn others onto a wrong path) lets choose to be today a blessing to others walking in knowledge, wisdom and love.