Proverbs 12
May 29 in Proverbs
Ch.12 is straight to the point: if you love instruction you love knowledge, but if you hate correction you are stupid … many do not like to be corrected, humility will accept it but pride will not and yet we know pride always comes before a fall!
It then goes on to speak of the qualities that bring God’s blessing and favour on your life … walking right!…thinking right (as a man thinks in his heart so is he)… speaking right (the mouth speaks of what fills the heart, your eyes and ears are the door and windows to your heat, what are you watching and hearing, what are you filling your heart with? From that your mouth will speak, fill it with good things for your mouth holds power to bring life or death…a good man out of the treasure of his heart brings forth good things)… acting right (they are kind, hard working, give good advice, honest in their business dealings, they choose their friends carefully). A man is known by the company he keeps; bad company corrupts.
Look at your life and ask God to help you deal with anything that is not right today. It is all about making the right choices one step at a time x