Proverbs 13
May 29 in Proverbs
Ch.13 starts with our attitude to correction. Proverbs presents us with the true facts. Facts presents us with choices. When we choose to obey it brings wisdom. Sometimes instruction comes as rebuke and correction, our reaction shows what kind of people we are. How do you respond to correction? A wise person will listen and learn whereas the foolish will scoff and not listen, react violently, speak rashly, expose him or herself, not turn away from wrong, destroy others and end up reaping what he sows. Watch what company you keep for ‘The companion of fools will be destroyed’ He who walks with wise men will be wise v.20 wisdom helps us to do the right thing. A fools lips enter into contention (that is conflict, quarrelling, rivalry, strife) the cause of contention is but one thing: pride! Pride wants its own way, pride judges and criticizes, pride will not submit, pride refuses to apologize, refuses to forgive or admit they’re wrong. Pride is a killer. Pride comes before a fall. Forgive! Go humble yourself, apologize and say sorry. That is true strength… strength of character! Wisdom will help you do the right thing. Be careful what you speak. He who guards his mouth preserves his life.