Proverbs 14
May 31 in Proverbs
Ch. 14 is full of hidden wisdom…’the wise woman builds her house, a foolish woman pulls it down with her hands’ instead of being a home-maker/builder her actions and words destroy and pull down. Thank God for every wise woman who becomes a blessing bringing up her household in the ways of God. She makes the difference between a house and a home, a home full of contempt or a happy home, the wise will depart from evil, their lips will preserve them, they are prudent and consider their steps. Their home will flourish, they will find favour, they will be merciful on the poor and their steps will be directed by truth and mercy. Fear of God is the beginning of wisdom…they live right, walking straight not in crooked ways; head looking straight ahead for they have God’s favour. They rely on God for the choices they make… they don’t rely on feelings for there is a way that seems right to man but it only leads to death. Let’s stop to consider our ways, the things we do, the things we say and learn to walk in wisdom that not only affects our lives but the lives of those that surround us… becoming a fountain of life to those we love.