Proverbs 15
May 31 in Proverbs
If you follow the practical instructions in proverbs you will know the blessing of God in your life, you will choose the right path and know His direction for your life. GOD is the God who sees and hears. He knows everything about you and delights to hear you speak to Him. There is a perfect balance in His character, where perfect judgement meets perfect mercy. Remember that your mouth reveals what is in your heart. Speaking right is so important, it turns away wrath v. 1 shares wisdom v.7 brings goodness v.23 and life v.4, is pleasant v.26, promotes health v.30. However speak wrong and it stirs up anger v.1 makes u foolish v.2 breaks the spirit v.4 does not disperse knowledge v.7 feeds on foolishness v.14 pours out evil v.28. Better to have little but peace with God than great treasure with trouble. Your eyes and ears are the doors and windows that fill your heart, watch, read and listen to the right things and your mouth will speak of good things that fill your heart…but the opposite is also true…make sure you’re filled with light and not darkness…for it rejoices the heart <3