Proverbs 16
Jun 02 in Proverbs
Proverbs gives us a true value system for living so that we may live with the right attitudes with the right motives. Our plans not only affect our lives but others too which is why its important we get it right. This whole chapter is about our way vs. God’s way. There is a way that seems right to man but its end is the way of death v.25 living independent from God will only lead to disaster for a decision may seem right but God knows the end from the beginning, look at the story of Ruth. There was a famine in the land and a man decides to look for a better place to live and moves his family to a land of plenty yet he and both his sons died before their time… common sense way is not always right. (He always makes a way back and can turn things around for you, read Ruth’s story to the end) commit your works to the Lord and He will establish your thoughts v.3 there IS one who knows the best path to take. When we commit everything to Him He will cause us to think right for He knows the motives and spirit of man… He can be trusted! Commit your way to the Lord trust also in Him, He shall bring it to pass… Psalm 37.