Proverbs 17
Jun 05 in Proverbs
People who cause strife: the one with a spiteful tongue, the liar, the gossip, those who reward or justify bad behaviour, who continue to sin and think too much of themselves, those perverse (which means they pervert the truth with a lie) those who accept a bribe. Troublemakers!
On the other hand are those who are wise and calm, who watch their tongues, who love at all times and help another in trouble, who walk right, are careful with their words.
What kind of person do you want to be? How do we avoid strife?
1) love… seeking to help people with their faults and not expose their faults to others
2)avoid strife…stop before a quarrel starts. Strife hurts people; love heals them. There are troubles that can be avoided. A root cause of anger, envy and strife is Pride. Pride that wants its own way and wants to impose it on others and won’t admit its wrong. Avoid the company of those who want to cause strife.
GOD is working in you to make you the best that you can be and sometimes hardships are there to help knock off those rough edges…like a diamond needs the carbon chiseled off for the gem and its true beauty to shine through….
God is making you into a gem of incalculable value! Ask Him for the wisdom to stay in there and choose the best over the good or mediocre! He thinks you’re worth it.