Proverbs 2
May 13 in Proverbs
Treasuring God’s word within to gain three essential things: knowledge, understanding and wisdom. By knowledge we obtain the facts, the truth; by understanding we have insight into what they mean. Wisdom shows us how to apply it to our lives. There are three ‘ifs’ followed by a ‘then’ – WE need to do our part, THEN we receive. For example, if you study then you will pass or if you exercise you will be fit. If you read His word and fill yourself with His Words you will learn wisdom and see clearly the way ahead … there is one who comes into your life and will try to seduce you away from what is right, will flatter you to make you feel good about yourself … her/his way is crooked and devious and only leads to death. So walk in the way of goodness and righteousness (doing what is right) for you will never regret it 😉