Proverbs 23
Jun 12 in Proverbs
Class: a blue-blood can be totally without it, while the son of a miner may ooze it out of every pore! Prv.23 is all about class! How you conduct yourself…do not envy the rich man’s style what we do and think is a manifestation of what we are. We are encouraged to work but not with the purpose of being rich…riches disappear, they don’t satisfy, they are deceptive (enough to look at the many celebrities’ messed up lives!) Do not get caught up with those who drink and eat to excess for they come to poverty. What you do now affects what you will do in the future ‘Follow your heart’ is WRONG sometimes you need to do what is right despite how you feel. V.19 says guide your heart in the right way. v.26 says give me your heart…only when we surrender our hearts to Him who loves us most can we have our hearts cleansed from all those emotions that come to cloud our way. He then teaches us to walk a new way, He guides our heart in the right way. Give your heart to Him today, let Him come and comfort, heal, refresh, restore, strengthen and love you today. The surrender that receives the blessing ;