Proverbs 24
Jun 30 in Proverbs
Ch.24 shows us different lifestyles and behaviour(s), we are building not only for the present but also for the future. Through wisdom a house is built (a foolish person will tear it down) so build right and with the right materials. The Bible gives you the master builders instructions…the wisdom that created the world! Wisdom builds, understanding makes firm, makes secure. Understanding is insight, perceiving the meaning of something. It is knowing the will of God, seeing something for the first time that you couldn’t see before. It is asking God and not leaning on your own understanding, it is departing from evil.
What is your life? Is it filled of good things or is it a broken down vineyard with only weeds and thorns? God gives to each person according to their deeds so don’t envy those who do wrong for they shall fall at the end. Don’t wish their downfall either. Surround yourself with those who will give you wise counsel and You do what is right…then you will be building on a strong foundation where no matter what life throws at you and how winds blow, your house will be full of good and precious things.
Look out for God’s creative activity!