Proverbs 25
Sep 08 in Proverbs
In Ch.25 we have our part to play so that God can do His part…it is a two way partnership, we can’t do what we want and expect Him to then do as we say…God loves you as much today as the day He created you, but also loves you too much to leave you like you are…there is so much potential in you He needs to unravel and character traits He wants to work out in you…removing the dross (wrong behaviour or attitudes) from the silver so that you may shine…learning His ways and unlearning wrong ways…forgiving, loving and being kind to your enemies, not lying about someone (or exaggerating the truth 😉 listening to rebuke, having a gentle tongue, not seeking your own glory, not boasting when you do something good, watching when to speak and when not to disclose a secret or hurt someone’s reputation, moderation, you don’t have to have everything that you see…living according to your needs, not easily angered or backbiting…who rules over your spirit?