Proverbs 4
May 14 in Proverbs
Looking at Proverbs 4 we find the great importance behind parental wisdom, listening and being influenced by the instructions you receive as you grow up into that wonderful person, complete and thoroughly equipped for the future that God has called you to be. vs.4-9 Solomon quotes the advice he received from his father King David for Godly wisdom brings with it many blessings v.6-13 once again comes with conditions; for your life is governed and determined by the choices you make. There are two paths you can travel, a broad way meaning the most popular and easiest way (that is chosen by the majority) that leads to destruction or the narrow way (less alluring, harder way) that leads to life. In life everything worth having takes hard work, determination and sacrifice… there is no easy alternative… but at the end it is so worth it!
Determine today to choose God’s best. To take instruction, to guard your heart and put right anything in your life that you know within your heart needs putting right. Ask God to show you how to take your first step on that narrow path. Don’t ever choose for yourself anything less than God’s best. You are a child of the King of Kings. He first calls you and once you answer His call He equips you, strengthens, protects, trains and goes before you. He prepares the way. ‘He will never leave you nor forsake you’ Deut. 31:6, Hebrews 13