Proverbs 6
May 19 in Proverbs
Proverbs 6
Proverbs 6 is FULL of golden nuggets v.1 is about having wisdom in dealing with finances. Do not love it. The love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. You control IT do not let IT control YOU. Owe no one anything, staying out of debt… being wise with our money and watching not to make a pledge or a commitment that could later harm you or put you into debt. Solomon then goes on to warn against laziness. True wisdom will cause a person to be conscientious and hard-working. The majority will try to get as much as they can doing as little as possible. There is no substitute for hard work. Hard work will enable you to pay your bills and stay out of debt. Laziness will only rob you and lead you to poverty. We are told to learn form the ant: they are hard-working; they don’t have overseers they don’t work because someone is watching over them; they provide not only for the present but also for the future; they have a common purpose and work in unity helping each other out. Resolve to be industrious for what you sow you will reap at the right time… remember after the farmer sows he does have to wait for the right season to harvest! Just don’t give up in the meantime for God is growing in you the necessary skills to make you who He sees you can be. Jer.29:11