Proverbs 8
May 20 in Proverbs
‘Two roads diverged in the middle of my life, I heard the wise man say. I took the one less traveled by and that’s made the difference every night and every day’. Trust in the Lord…acknowledge Him (involve Him) and He shall direct your paths. Do not be wise in your own eyes… your life is punctuated by circumstances and by choices. God sees beyond what you can see. He knows the best way to take…commit your way to Him today, trust Him and He will show you what to do. He will lead, supply and guide you. If you hand it over to Him today He takes the responsibility to supply the answer. Where there is God wisdom, there will be righteousness, fairness and integrity. God’s wisdom brings life. It is eternal, creative, righteous, protective and available… all you need to do is ask 😉