Psalms of Ascent – Psalm 130
Sep 29 in General, The History of the Sephardic Jews of Spain
We live in a fast-food, minimal effort vs. huge entitlement society, where we want instant returns for the least or no sacrifice. Sin is a swear word for we have removed all boundaries and do as each feels right according to our own conscience; however even this is being slowly eroded, for what we did not accept as decent behaviour when we were younger, today is widely accepted by society, so we no longer have any qualms with it possibly being wrong. We have substituted happiness for pleasure, giving in to every whim yet with an alarming increase of mental health problems, family breakdown, teenage statistics for sexual transmitted diseases, abortions, depression, street violence … that the government doesn’t quite know how to address; all escalating out of control. As I always say to my kids: ‘sin brings consequence’ like it or not.
Our schools spend more resources on pastoring and counselling than they do on teachers, we have a broken society but are treating the outward symptoms without dealing with the root causes. You can adorn the outside as much as you like and pretend that everything is okay, but what lies on the inside remains and doesn’t go away and if not dealt with will only fester and get uglier.
In this Psalm, as the pilgrim continues his journey he has to face the ugly face of sin, God sees all that lays hidden, the motives of the heart, our hidden thoughts /acts… we can pretend but the longer we do the more it takes root and the fruit will eventually show forth. Hurt that is not dealt with can turn to anger then uncontrollable rage, unforgiveness to bitterness, lust to immorality, adultery, hatred to murder (defamation of character, poisonous talk…). By their fruits you shall know them (identify them!).
‘If Thou should mark iniquities, O Lord, who could stand? (we all fall short of perfect) But there is forgiveness with Thee’ In ancient times the Jewish people would go once a year to make atonement for their sins, they would sacrifice a lamb in its prime with no spot or wrinkle, had to be perfect (that took their place), for only blood could atone for sin, a life for a life as the wages of sin are death. And so they would take the sacrificial lamb to the High Priest who would present it in their place to God. Sin was confessed, the blood applied to cleanse them. We know that Jesus took the place of the lamb becoming the sacrifice for sin becoming the intermediary between us and God. As we confess our sin (directly to Him, calling sin by its name, no adornments) He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all wickedness (1 John 1:9) giving us life and liberty from the chains that sin will bring. (However there is a difference between remorse and true repentance, Judas had remorse but failed to take hold of life).
“Godly sorrow brings repentance that leads to salvation and leaves no regret, but worldly sorrow brings death.” 2 Corinthians 7:10
Therefore, we enter into another stream of life, we change course. His nature for mine, where because I have been forgiven I am able to forgive, where full of His love for me I am able to love the unloveable, of whom I am chief. His blood like a river of living water washes, cleanses and purifies me on the inside … He restores. With Him is abundant redemption for He not only restores the future but repairs the brokenness of the past. It is a new Start.
Hope in the Lord’s forgiving Love.