Psalms of Ascents – Psalm 127
Jun 30 in General, Steps of Ascent
On my wall I have a heart with the words I wrote in chalk on it: ‘Perfect family under construction’… and we are just that! A work in progress. As a parent of three I was very soon fully aware of how inept I felt for the job, how my every decision and choice concerning my children would affect them for the rest of their life and that I had no idea of how I could best help them become the best they could be, I felt overwhelmed by the responsibility it carried /who God designed them to become? /what were their strengths and weaknesses? / where He would be sending them in the future? / how I was to get them to adulthood unscathed or indeed why our youngest wanted a hyena as a pet!… I could not do this without His help. His wisdom, His inside knowledge, His strategy, His divine attributes and His Word (and promises). I needed that same help with my marriage, our home, our business, Church … I needed His blueprint, His architectural plan! God at the centre, the cornerstone that holds everything together, His foundation or this building would not stand!(Matt 7:24-25)
“Unless the Lord builds the house,They labor in vain who build it;
Unless the Lord guards the city,The watchman stays awake in vain”
An excerpt from a book I was reading the other day reiterated how often we think we know, run ahead and find that God was never in it! The book title ‘where eagles soar’ by Jamie Buckingham said: ‘I don’t want God to be my co-pilot but to be co-pilot to God… how many times have I flown in the Captain’s seat with God relegated to crew status? How many times in fact, have I taken off without Him, telling Him I will be back in a few hours… each of us has a unique design that can be fulfilled only when we find our place in God’s purpose’ I can work tirelessly to no avail (like the disciples who fished all night and caught nothing, yet at His Word filled the nets the following morning) or allow Him to take the driving seat.
“Like arrows in the hand of a warrior, so are the children of one’s youth” An arrow needs to be fashioned, polished, tested and sharpened. It needs to be pliable yet hit the target with force; directed, trusting and secure it will impact wherever it is sent. My children are my greatest legacy my most worthwhile investment and my greatest achievement. God may not do things the way I plan or would like, however He is faithful and can be fully trusted to know what is best and is training them for greatness.
My prayer that I would be a facilitator to what God is doing and has planned for their and our lives.
“My food is to do the will of Him who sent Me and accomplish His work”