Psalms of Ascents – Psalm 131
Oct 06 in General, Steps of Ascent
‘Don’t wrestle just nestle’ Corrie ten Boom
There are things that are just too hard! where we can’t carry on! Too big to fathom, too complicated to understand, figure out, fix or fight. Exhausted from the constant struggle we come to the end of our own resources for we just can’t press on, can’t do it! Like a toddler worn out who throws up his arms in hopeless abandon for a carry, to be held in his Father’s arms and lay his weary head on His shoulder, with his ear pressing on His chest close to the sound of His heartbeat, knowing that He will take over from here.
That child knows that instantly, the battle is over, he is safe. His scrapes and wounds will be kissed better whilst being comforted by strong arms and a gentle whisper that soothes his fear. Safe in the Father’s embrace he trusts that He will fix anything that needs fixing, tie any lose ends, have a solution to any problem or deal with anything that threatens to be a danger. The parent knows, he understands and loves him unconditionally, in fact thinks he’s rather wonderful! the child falls asleep, at peace with no concern for the future, at rest finally he can let go. ‘Let go and let God’.
A heart finally surrendered.
‘Be still and know that I am God’ God