Why Lent?
Mar 04 in Lent
I have never really thought about ‘doing’ Lent. I always saw it more as a religious practice rather than Christian living and always ignored it; however, this year at the dawn of 2014 I felt a strong sense that God not only wanted me to do lent but that He had something important to show me in it too… at first I ignored all the prodding, but as days went by and the thought remained I decided that the least I could do was look into it, if anything to convince God that we really didn’t need to go down this road!
It is now the day before Ash Wednesday and much to my surprise I am ready and raring to go! What did I find out? Where to start! Lent begins on the 5th of March and ends Easter Sunday 20th April 2014. It falls this year on both Jewish festivals of Purim and Passover and to top it all off, there is the first of two red blood moon lunar eclipses expected this 14th April which we will also take a look into…
Lent speaks of the time Jesus spent in the desert being tempted by Satan (baptism by fire) before beginning his ministry here on earth at the age of 30, it also reminds us of the 40 years in the wilderness with Moses (a time ‘to humble and test you in order to know what was in your heart’ Deuteronomy 8:2) and so lent represents a time of fasting, repentance, cleansing and preparation for the coming of Easter. A time of reflection (time out) from our busy lives, to determine the best from the good, taking a rest from a deluge of information that we are daily surrounded with to re-set the paradigm that rules our daily lives.
I look forward to sharing my journey and hearing God’s point of view, surrendering my thoughts, my life… I am excited!