“I will tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know”
May 10 in Just Follow ME
The Bible is a treasure chest full of new joys and hidden mysteries waiting to be deciphered for it runs like a circuit board masterfully interconnecting through each book and bringing new things to light; every path multifaceted as it leads you on a new and exciting journey of discovery, so simple once unravelled that you wondered how on earth you couldn’t see it before!
The Old Testament was written in Hebrew meaning that every letter of the alphabet is pictographical and has added meaning however as these are made into words, every combination creates a picture-story full of depth and significance, bringing it alive. Every letter is also a number creating a whole new richness and so our exciting voyage continues with every colour, every metal, every term full of symbolism unearthing new gems and new pathways. It is inexhaustible.
There was a perfect timing surrounding the birth of Jesus which included star orientation, wise men of the East (most probably from ancient Babylon (Daniel 2:48) who had been taught the prophetic writings of Daniel – even their gifts refer to Him as King, Priest and Prophet), prophetic fulfillment, a Roman tax that required Mary and Joseph to travel to Bethlehem, circumstances evolving around the birth that ensured the Lamb of God be born in a stable…. a perfect plan and pattern. “So all the generations from Abraham to David are fourteen generations; and from David until the carrying away into Babylon are fourteen generations; and from the carrying away into Babylon unto Christ are fourteen generations.”
The Hebrew citizens viewed the world differently to the Greek and Romans. The Greek sought after knowledge, believed in many gods, were individualistic and humanistic. The Hebrews were family and community based, believed in the one God YHWH and lived according to the moral and social teachings of wisdom of the Book of the Law (the Torah which constitutes the first five books of the Bible). The Romans allowed freedom of thought, politics and religion so long as it stood subjected still to their Roman perspective and authority.
We jump to Luke 2:21 where we read that Jesus was circumcised following the tradition laid out in Leviticus 12 and where we meet Simeon and Anna the prophetess before fleeing to Egypt “Where he stayed until the death of Herod. This fulfilled what the Lord had spoken through the prophet “Out of Egypt I called my Son” and they “went and lived in a town called Nazareth.”